Serious Injury

Serious injuries, also referred to as catastrophic injuries, bring both short term and long term effects to the injured and their loved ones

In such cases, specialist care and support is essential. This could include routine medical consultation in the long run, rehabilitation programs, adapted accommodations and transportations, as well as regular medications – all of which would prove to be a hefty sum for the injured and the family. Some may not even be able to perform their occupation as a result of such injuries. 

Teo & Associates has an extensive medical network and work closely with a group of renowned experts from different specialties – orthopaedics, neurosurgeons, psychiatrist, urologist, ophthalmologist, rehabilitation doctors, physiotherapist, certified prosthetic & orthotist and more, to accurately determine the extent of the injury, which affects not only the physical body but also the livelihood of the person. From there, we would establish a suitable compensation which takes into account long term sustenance for living expenses, as well as immediate needs.

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